
Friday, November 1, 2013

Is Bald Beautiful!

 Have you ever visualized yourself with a bald pate that glows to the sun? You would shudder at the mention of it, no! So do I. How do you stop yourself from going bald? How do you see that your hair grows longer and lustrous? Finally How do you take care of your hair? Here are some hair-raising tips that help make your hair grow silky, shiny, lustrous, hale and healthy.

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 One fine morning, I woke up and standing before the mirror I ran my fingers through my hair. I was so taken aback that I felt the world swirling before me. For, I haven’t noticed for long how my hair is thinning at a rapid rate. I trembled at the thought of going bald at so early an age.

Hair has been my constant worry. Because, I believe the lush crop enhances ones personality and gives a dash of charismatic appeal to ones figure. Now it’s time to preserve my present crop intact and I take numerous precautions.

 Come join me for an intriguing ride into the world of hair-care hitherto the domain of womenfolk. Which of the two women you train your sights on admirably... a woman with a near-balding pate? Or a woman with long lustrous flowing tresses that swings graciously on her…? Obviously the latter of course. Well, have you ever visualized yourself with a bald pate that glows to the sun?

 You would shudder at the mention of it, no! So do I. That goes to prove how hair influences or enhances ones physical features; and how it gives you a dash of youthfulness. Isn’t it time we take care of it now?

Here are some hair-raising tips. The factors that contribute to hair loss are chiefly dandruff the dangerous, deficiency of vitamins, iron, iodine and above all depression apart from malfunctioning of thyroid and pituitary glands. These can be rectified if you take a little bit of extra care while the glands malfunction can be taken care of by your qualified physician.

  Let’s take dandruff the dangerous first, the common malady afflicting us all.

Solution #1
v  Take a lemon and squeeze it.

v  Add a few drops of warmly heated coconut oil or warm water to the juice and gently massage your hair with it down to the roots.

v  After a while you feel like scratching your head with vengeance. This itching sensation is nothing but the work of lime over dandruff.

v  But do not scratch go on massaging gently with your finger-tips avoiding nails.

v  Let it dry for fifteen to thirty minutes and then take a head bath.

v  For head baths prefer shikakai or rita or a shampoo prescribed by your beautician or physician.

v  Do it once or twice a week.

v  Dandruff disappears with each such wash leaving your hair shiny and silky.

The lime or lemon apart from being effective dandruff deterrent is also an excellent preventive of hair-loss.

Solution #2
If your hair-fall is at an alarming rate the first chief remedy is...

v  The less you bother about it the better. Maintain your cool.

v  Now soak a handful of methi or menthulu for a night and pestle it to a fine paste.

v  Add two eggs to it {only the white content and not the yolk for it give out a foul smell}.

v  Then gently massage the paste on your head reaching out to the roots.

v  Let it dry for an hour.

v  If you wish you can also apply lemon juice for sheen on this paste after it is dried. Then wash with shikakai or rita.

v  You can use your favorite shampoo for a second wash to give off a heady smell.

v  Do it once or twice a week.

Solution #3 
Another method is that...
v  Take some gruel, the water or extracted from cooking rice.

v  Add a few hibiscus {mandaram in Telugu} leaves or flowers.

v  Used tea leaves can be added.

v  If you heat it to a boiling point it is better.

v  Finally add shikakai or rita.

v  Stir the mixture thoroughly and wash your hair.

v  You could use your favorite shampoo for a second wash to give off a heady smell.

By this method you can at least preserve your present crop.

Solution #4 
Further if you wish to turn your hair into a lustrous and silky, try this.

v  Take eight to ten gooseberries, avlas or usirikai. You can also take avla powder.

v  Take half a glass of milk.

v  Boil avlas {or avla powder} in the milk like you boil potatoes.

v  Next remove the seeds and make a paste of the pulp thoroughly.

v  Apply it to your hair massaging well into the roots.

v  Let it dry for an hour or so.

v  Then have a head bath.

This is also an effective way of protecting your hair silky, shiny, lustrous, hale and healthy. Use of avla prevents hair-fall and also blackens your hair.

Solution #5 
How to turn your grey hair into jet black

v  Collect some Mehendi Leaves.

v  Grind them into a fine paste.

v  Take rose water, sour curd, used or boiled tea-leaves, some hot water, lemon juice and a pinch of salt. Take all in the right proportion.

v  Stir the mixture and make it like a paste. The mixture should be thick like gum.

v  And leave it for eight to ten hours. Better prepare the mixture during nights to have the required time-gap before use. Then sieve it as you cannot filter the paste.

v  Apply the paste gently to your hair reaching out to the roots. Wait for 4 hours.

v  Then take a head bath as suggested above.

v  Repeat this procedure whenever you have sufficient time. Since this is a natural solution it does work out well.

Though this writer cannot guarantee that it is a "Lasting" solution for turning grey into black; but still it is the best alternative to chemical dyes and sprays that's flooding the market these days.

Some Precautions for Your Hair Care
Apart from deficiency of vitamins depression is the main culprit that turns your hair grey. If you are hair-conscious it depresses further your already-depressed mind. The best remedy is to fight depression with a weapon called cheerfulness.

1.       For total hair-care irrespective of your hair style and class of which it belongs, whether dry, oily or brittle. I suggest...

2.        Do not worry much about your hair.

3.      Find out with your doctor if possible for any malfunctioning of your pituitary or thyroid glands.

4.        Let your food consists of rich in all vitamins A B C D E, iron and iodine.

5.        Do not expose your head too much to the sun.

6.        Keep your scalp dirt-free.

7.        Apply pure coconut oil at least two hours before head bath.

8.        Regular head bath is preferable to rather once in a week.

9.   Use pure shikakai or rita or a shampoo suggested by your physician or beautician.

10.   Dry your hair perfectly by rinsing and gently massaging it with a cotton towel.

11.     Do not use hair blowers and hair dryers for this will damage your hair roots.

12.   If you still prefer to use one, then keep the blowers at a distance in a way that emanating hot-air may not affect your hair roots.

13.  Comb your hair as many times as you can, for this will help in good blood circulation underneath your scalp strengthening your hair roots.

14.  Remember combing is not scratching. So select your combs with a not too sharp teeth but brushes gently.

15.  Do not use combs used by others as you may get infected with their hair problem.

16.     See that your hair is not split at the ends. Split-ends stop the growth of your hair.

17.     Go for regular haircuts. Regular haircuts cutoff the split-ended hair. 

18.     Lastly and finally I suggest use pure coconut oil.

Hope this article solves your hair problems.


1 comment:

  1. actually Bald aint all dat bad, some men i know carry it effortlessly and luk veryyyy Good
